Thursday, March 14, 2013

"Hello, my name is Enigo Montoya. You kill' my father. Prepare to die." - from the movie Princess Bride. This is one of the most notorious movie quotes, also one of the most amusing, in my opinion. I have absolutely no idea how this has to do with anything, but I figured it be fun to bring it up for the bazillionth time in the world.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

The smell of fresh air, still cool as I would step out of the camp trailer after a good night's sleep always helped me relax my sore muscles from playing hard the day before. Every morning at my uncle's ranch, I start a fire in the fire pit, change into my motorbiking clothes, and check to make sure my motorcycle is ready for later in the day. My cousins and I always spend nearly the whole day riding around my uncle's "ranch", starting a little after all of my huge family eats breakfast. Usually, we all just ride around until it starts to get dark, but sometimes, we all head up the ridge and go skeet shooting. We also usually spend a day or two playing around in my uncle's pond, making huge things out of sand, or falling off of the zipline into the water. Perhaps the funniest of them all is when we have foosball competitions, which usually last all day, because no one can ever win. In my opinion, a single perfect day for me is unachievable, but if I could have a perfect week instead, this would be it. :)